Effective energy management-strategy-tips

An effective energy management strategy is essential for all businesses. Direct Energy VP Mike Senff recently shared insights on energy management with the restaurant industry. His tactics are valuable examples that can be applied to all businesses.

Full-service restaurant owners should not overlook one of the simplest ways they can positively affect their bottom line: managing their energy costs. By understanding where and when your restaurant consumes energy, management of this key expense can give you a competitive advantage.

When considering how to best manage energy costs, it is important to understand that each company has a unique energy usage pattern. Different offers exist to suit consumption profiles that vary over time (versus those with more predictable consumption patterns). In addition, a company’s risk tolerance can help dictate how much of its energy usage it is prepared to expose to wholesale market fluctuations, and how much it would like to lock in to certain pricing and for what period of time.

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5 questions to ask when selecting a competitive energy supplier

Picking an energy retail supplier is not as easy as it used to be when your local utility was your only choice. Nowadays the number of competitive electricity retail providers has grown to approximately 200 representing an unprecedented choice for customers in terms of suppliers, products and services. You’re probably asking yourself why switch to a retail energy supplier? What should you ask potential retail energy suppliers? Decisions, decisions.

As mentioned in a previous blog post about the effectiveness of the competitive electricity model, competitive retail electricity account growth has increased for residential by 518% and non-residential by 463%. However, only about one-third of U.S. customers are eligible to choose their electricity supplier.

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